
Council approves BWF Strategic Plans for 2024-2028

On 15 January 2024, the BWF Council approved the BWF Strategic Plan and Strategic Implementation Plan for 2024-2028. Please find enclosed the Plans and a short overview. The Plans and more information can be found on the BWF website (linked here).

The Plans for 2024-2028 provide continuity with the previous Strategic Plans (2020-2024).

We trust these will be helpful for our membership and the five Continental Confederations in putting together your own long-term plans for the development of our global sport.

Strategic Plan 2024-2028

The Strategic Plan 2024-2028 can be found on the BWF website (linked here).

This is the overarching plan – it includes the BWF’s vision, mission and values, and it details the objectives for the five strategic priorities.



   Giving every child a chance to play badminton for life.


   To lead, inspire and engage our stakeholders.

Strategic Priorities

   Entertainment / Participation / Athletes

   Partnerships / Capacity Building.



Overview – Strategic Implementation Plan 2024-2028

The Strategic Implementation Plan 2024-2028 can be found on the BWF’s website (linked here).

This is the operational plan with 9 Key Results Areas (KRAs). This describes how we will deliver on the plan, and how we can measure our success.

Contact Person

Please contact Stuart Borrie, Chief Operating Officer ([email protected]) should you have any questions.